
Bio-Restore Liquid Carbon

Designed to restore the health of the soil and re-establish communication between plants and soil biology.  The liquid carries a high carbon content to restore soil function and is packed with macro and micro nutrients.

It’s time to heal the land, Converte’s Bio-Restore Liquid Carbon is specifically designed to fast-track the restoration of degraded lands impacted by industrial processes and the overuse of agricultural chemicals.  Bio-Restore is applied at a rate of 500ml/ hectare to support soil biological function and ecological processes in the soil such as water retention and nutrient cycling.  Bio-Restore is rich in a premium fulvic acid organically extracted and sustainable sourced. Our Fulvic is not derived from lignite, leonardite or fermented peat.  This Fulvic has matured over millions of years into a dense complex of organic acids and ionic minerals. Combined with a balance of trace and macro nutrients, phyto-proteins and amino acids, the Bio-Restore will both protect and feed your soil biology resulting in healthier plant growth and higher quality produce.

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