Regenerative Agriculture Feature – Soil Health and Fertiliser Efficiency

The idea of regenerative agriculture can seem too big, confusing and it’s just hard to know where you start on this journey.

After more than 10 years investigating this topic and a recently completed PhD on our products, Converte are well placed to assist farmers on the first steps towards a regenerative future.  Converte have taken a deep dive into soil biological data looking at the changes in DNA in the soil in response to their biological inputs, including seed, soil and foliar Bio-Agri inputs.  The results have been impressive, and the change is rapid and measurable. 

Firstly, it’s important to understand that soil biology is there no matter what your soil type or condition.  As a farmer you have the power to feed and nurture the soil biology.  Too much chemical inputs and the biology will reduce in numbers and diversity.   We use the power of biology to drive the performance of chemistry. 

The biology plays a crucial role in the structure of soils.  This will influence the ability of the soil to hold moisture, cycle nutrients and cope with extreme weather stresses such as wind erosion and heavy rainfall.  In a healthy soil with optimal soil biology the communication lines between soil and plant are fully operational.  Soil nutrients are transferred to the plant and in exchange plant sugars are sent to the roots zone feeding the soil biology. 

Once the soil-plant relationship is optimised the plant has access to nutrients and enzymes that build strong healthy plants.   The strength of the plant can be measured physically in terms of stem and leaf size, colour, brix for nutrients in the sap, and susceptibility to stresses such as insect pests, heat and frost stress.  Following this regenerative path, it is possible to see visual changes in plant health in one season and the results build year on year.  Species diversity adds further protection as monoculture planting systems by their very nature are more vulnerable than multi species planting.  It is also known that different plant exudates, (sugars feeding the soil biology) feed different groups of bacteria and fungi, so diversity above ground, supports bio-diversity below ground.  

As the soil function improves so does the efficiency of applied inputs.  At the same time loss of applied nutrients to evaporation or run-off is also reduced.  So, it is possible to gradually reduce fertiliser and chemical inputs. For example, a farmer used to applying 90Kg / ha MAP can gradually come down to 60Kg.  Rapid changes are not recommended in any farming system so 10% reductions in fertiliser and chemicals per year are a guide, whilst adding to your program biological inputs like Converte Plantfood that promote soil health and function.  

This is where Converte can help and their bio-agri products are backed by consistent data and independent science.  Our regenerative product line includes 

Seed Primer – nutrient rich seed primer, for enhanced germination, early vigor and root development;

Plantfood – for soil health, biological function and feeding plants via the soil, building plant health and resilience;

Foliar for direct leaf application of nutrient rich inputs

Bio-Restore Liquid Carbon – for restoring compacted soils, former mine sites and for inclusion in soil carbon projects

In terms of future farming security, practices and inputs that promote a healthier soil biology will support more resilient farming systems.  The farmers that take this advice on board will be better equipped to improve their land for long-term sustainable food production. 

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